The 555 timer IC is an integral part of electronics projects. It a simple project involving a single 8-bit micro-controller and some peripherals or a complex one involving system on chips (SoCs), 555 timer working is involved.These provide time delays, as an oscillator and as a flip-flop element among other applications.The single 555 Timer chip in its basic form is a Bipolar 8-pin mini Dual-in-line Package (DIP) device consisting of some 25 transistors, 2 diodes and about 16 resistors arranged to form two comparators, a flip-flop and a high current output stage as shown below as well as the 555 Timer there is also available the NE556 Timer Oscillator which combines TWO individual 555’s within a single 14-pin DIP package and low power CMOS versions of the single 555 timer such as the 7555 and LMC555 which use MOSFET transistors instead.
Qty: Pack of 10 ICs.
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